Notes from underground

يارب يسوع المسيح ابن اللّه الحيّ إرحمني أنا الخاطئ

Archive for the tag “Menlyn”

Twenty-first century urban life

My son works at Exclus1ve Books in Menlyn Mall. They used to be Exclusive Books, but they recently changed their name to Exclus1ve Books, presumably to make it easier, or more difficult, as the case may be, to search for on the Internet.

When he’s on night shift he usually cycles to work, and then when he finishes work we go to fetch him, because he doesn’t have a light on his bike, and people tend to drive more dangerously at night. Last night when bringing him home I stopped for a red light and a guy who had been following me overtook and drove through at high speed. He was driving a big BMW. They, of course, are immune from accidents, because all other traffic is expected to automatically get out of the way. Anyway, that kind of thing is why my son doesn’t ride his bike home when he’s on night shift.

When I wait for him to finish work, here’s what I see from one of the parking lots.

The blue lights in the tree seem to be intended as Christmas decorations or something; they’ve been there for a month already. It seems to get earlier every year. If he’s late getting out of the shop I have to leave and drive around the block. They only give you 20 minutes free parking, which is one of the reasons I don’t often shop there myself. There are other shopping malls that give up to 2 hours of free parking on weekdays, so i patronise those instead.

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